Do you have anything planned this Saturday night?

If not, come to Town Beach for a movie night!

They’re rude. They’re shrewd. They’re The Croods and BYFH is bringing them to you this Saturday night at Town Beach. Everyone is welcome! The movie night kicks off at 5.30pm. We’d love to see you there. For the full details click here.

Youth Fun Fest

Free haircuts, slippery dip action and more!

Looking for something to do this weekend? BYFH is running a Fun Fest at Town Beach on Saturday with an inflatable slide, water activities and free haircuts to keep our young people feeling fresh and confident. More info on the poster!

We’re hiring!

Calling all creative and innovative teachers

We are hiring! BYFH is looking for a qualified teacher to run a youth re-engagement program for year 7s and 8s in Broome. It's a non-school based teaching opportunity with subsidised housing provided. It comes with a competitive salary and conditions. The contract is full-time with the potential for ongoing employment. For more information please click here.

BYFH offers support to flood-affected families

Staff assist families from Balgo and Noonkanbah

BYFH has been assisting with locating and transporting children and families from Balgo and Noonkanbah. Here are some photos of the work our team did over the weekend, featuring our Youth Support Officer Kisha, along with Natalie and Aleisha.Great job ladies! We were pleased to be collaborating with the Department of Communities and the Red Cross on the effort.

Donate to BYFH

Former staff slog it to raise money for BYFH

Ella Syvret, who worked with us in 2021/2022, has set up a fundraiser for Broome Youth and Families Hub! She's going to slog out 25 kilometres to raise money for our organisation. Keen to donate? You can find out how, here:

BYFH reopens its doors after wild weather

We’re open and have plenty of school holiday activities on offer

After the stormy monsoon weather, Broome Youth and Families Hub is OPEN again, with plenty of activities for kids and families through the school holidays. Our full school holiday program can be found here.

It’s nearly time to kickstart our playgroup for the year

From February …

We’ll restart our playgroup and parenting support program. It runs five days a week and we even have a special day set aside for the dads. For more information, check out our brochure.

Are you ready for the school holidays?

Because we are. We have a fantastic program for all our kids!

We've firmed up the second week of our School Holiday Program and it's looking fantastic. There's laser tag, movie nights, discos, art sessions and fishing trips up to Crab Creek. For the full list of activities click this link.