Target 120
Days: Monday—Friday
Times: Various
Ages: 10-14 years
Broome Youth and Families Hub is pleased to offer the Target 120 service, which has been designed to work with at risk and recidivist young people and their families to reduce offending behaviour. The service addresses the underlying issues that lead to offending and crime, such as substance abuse, family and parenting issues, unstable housing, poor educational attendance, negative peer relations, domestic violence, and mental health issues. This is achieved through coordinated case management of all services, including across government and the non-government sector. We provide intense and individualised case management to ten eligible young people and their families at any one time.
Target 120 facilitates culturally appropriate learning; it may assist with contact with extended family or provide a platform to discuss any issues the family are facing; and it will work with education providers, program participants and their families to develop re-engagement plans for all young people who are suspended, on reduced attendance schedules or excluded from school. BYFH has been funded by the WA Department of Communities to deliver Target 120 until June 2025.
The overarching aim of this program is to contribute to a long-term vision of creating safer and more connected communities.
For more information about the program please contact Craig Burgess on 0427 289303 or at You can also keep up to date with BYFH’s activities via Facebook.