Days and times: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 5.30pm—11pm
Friday and Saturday 3.30pm—1am
Ages: 0-17

In the afternoons and evenings our staff visit areas where children and young people hang out. We engage with them in a warm and friendly manner and give them a lift home. This could be back to their family home, or to a safe house, or to a safe extended family member’s home for the night. We also give young people who have been accessing BYFH’s Drop In services in the evenings a lift home.

First established in Broome in 2003, the program has been designed to reduce young people’s presence in public at night, reduce their contact with the juvenile justice system, promote their connection to their community and improve their overall well-being. Our staff also connect the young people to case managers, if they need it, and we work collaboratively with other service providers in Broome to ensure the young people can access wholistic support.

BYFH works closely with the WA Police and has received funding for HYPE through the WA Department of Communities and Youth Justice Services.