Using Rhythm to Support Client Growth: A Two-Day Course

Image via Paul Zoetemeijer on Unsplash.

At the end of July BYFH is hosting a two-day course run by Rhythm to Recovery (R2R) that will equip professionals with the tools to integrate music into their practice, addressing the social and emotional challenges faced by clients or students. No previous music experience is needed. Using the R2R model participants will learn how to apply music-based strategies in diverse settings such as trauma care, mental health, education and child protection. For the full brochure please click here.

Cost: $725.00 + $8.80 Booking Fee
Contact: Michelle | 0408 927 610 |

Wonderful Weaving

Back in July, Broome Youth and Families Hub partnered with the Kimberley Arts Network and Anglicare to run a series of free weaving workshops. Out Family Services Officer Katrina Kelsey ran the sessions over six weeks, with 61 separate individuals participating. The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, including, ‘Best program. I learnt so much and so connected with wonderful women,’ and, ‘Would definitely do again. Such a great workshop. Would love to do more. Katrina is the BEST!!! Instructor,’ and, ‘It was lovely to learn how to create something with my hands and easily accessible materials (plus sustainable).’ Participants enjoyed the social atmosphere, liked the facilitator and learned new skills. A second series rolled out last month.

Ten Year Anniversary with BYFH

Karen Jean Reynolds and Aleisha Clements have both celebrated TEN YEARS service with BYFH this year

Both these ladies have shown an incredible commitment to the children, young people and families in Broome, through their dedicated service. Thank you!

The school holidays are nearly here, and we can’t wait!

Ready for some Laser Tag?

Our school holiday program will kick off this Monday 1st June with a free BBQ and sports competition at Town Beach at 1pm. On the back of this, there will be Laser Tag, crabbing and fishing missions to Crab Creek, as well as some water games at Broome Recreation and Aquatic Centre. Download the full program here.

Hot beats from Broome's Streets

Unleash the heat

Last week a group of young people from our Reconnect program had the pleasure of teaming up with professional Hip Hop mentors Grandtrine Creative to create a unique music video. There was a lot of work behind the scenes! First of all, our young crew had to compose a song. This allowed them to practise their literacy, to workshop concepts, and to refine the final piece so it reflected their experiences of the world, including their sense of cultural identity and pride for their town. It wasn’t all smooth sailing. Our youth workers and the Hip Hop mentors – who understand the challenges these young people face – helped them navigate and break feelings of shame and encouraged them to feel confident enough to work on their vocals and perform in front of a camera. It was a week-long project, demanding long periods of engagement. Check out the focus in these videos! The young people did an amazing job to pull this together and we’re very proud of them. More broadly, the aim of Reconnect is to intervene early with young people to stabilise and improve their housing situation, and to help them engage positively with family, education, training, and the local community. If you haven't seen the vid, check it out here.

School Holiday Program April '24

Jam packed activities in town and on country

We’ve got a great range of activities in town and on country this school holidays from easter egg hunts to goanna hunting! You can view a bigger version of our school holiday program here.

Wanted: Roaming Photographer!

We’re looking for someone to take superb shots at our Christmas Party

BYFH is on the hunt for a roaming photographer to capture as many candid moments at our Christmas Party as possible! The Party is scheduled for Wednesday 13th December between 4pm and 7pm. We are looking for someone who:

* Has their own equipment
* Can attend the full event!
* Can provide 30 beautifully edited photos, and the rest as raw files
* Has an ABN and a current Working with Children Check
* Is happy to sign an agreement with BYFH re ownership

Emerging photographers and Kimberley Aboriginal people are encouraged to apply. If this is something you might be interested in please email an Expression of Interest with a link to your portfolio to Corrie at

BYFH recognised in Broome Business Excellence Awards 2023

Winner of Not for Profit / Community Organisation Award

🌟 Exciting News 🌟

Broome Youth and Families Hub has been honoured with the prestigious Not-for-Profit / Community Organisation Award at this year's Broome Business Excellence Awards!

This recognition is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team. As a not-for-profit Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation, this award strengthens our commitment to empowering and supporting our youth and families, making a positive impact in the Broome community. 🏆

Thank you, Broome, for believing in us!

AGM Notice

Save the date!

BYFH's AGM will take place on Wednesday the 29th November - please note, this is the last Wednesday of the month. It will be at our usual committee meeting time of 5pm at 3/36 Frederick Street. If you are interested in becoming a BYFH committee member, please email Madelaine on

Change of venue for activities on Monday - head to Drop In

This Monday’s activities won’t be at PCYC

On Monday, please head to Drop In after school for an action-packed arvo of fun activities!