Early Years Parenting and Playgroup

Days: Monday—Thursday
Times: 9am—1pm
Ages: 0—4

BYFH runs a fantastic playgroup and parenting support program for families with little ones. It’s based on the ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.’ Each day of the week we have different activities, both on BYFH’s premises and out in the community. We encourage creative play, go on picnics to Town Beach and balance fun with education. Our aim is to foster a warm, welcoming and safe environment that supports healthy early childhood development and school readiness, and develops parents’ awareness that they are their child’s first teacher. We offer a pick up and drop off for families that need a lift and provide a healthy and delicious lunch for the children.

To register your interest you can email playgroupcoord@byhf.org.au or call or text 0408 416 618. 

This program is funded by the National Indigenous Australians Agency and the contract is held by Kullarri Regional Communities Indigenous Corporation (KRCIC).

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